Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Problems at Perrier Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problems at Perrier - Case Study Example Identify three drivers of change in organizations today and its impact on the organization’s need for an effective change management process. Drivers of change in organizations today can be internal or external. As a rule a company holds more sway over internal drivers than it does external, although employee turnover such as retirement, termination or death often disrupts organizations, especially at the senior levels. Three driving forces of change in organizations today include technological capacity, the economy and competition. Technological capacity is an example of an internal driver, which includes the forced outmoding of equipment such as an operating system upgrade or a technological invention that renders current equipment obsolete. The economy and competition are two examples of external drivers of change. Companies have very little control over the economy and their competitors. In both examples, a downturn or an aggressive move by a competitor can generate consid erable loss of revenue which can necessitate restructuring. 2. Discuss the typical reactions of employees to change and the related effects on the change management process. ... 3. Identify three key elements of the resistance to change described at Perrier. In the Perrier example, the employees resisted change on three key fronts: threat to loss of livelihood and revenue, â€Å"attachment to the current organizational structure and perceived breach of the psychological contract† (Palmer, Dunford & Akin 2009). The Perrier employees, most of whom belonged to the CGT union, viewed the Nestle takeover negatively and felt that the multinational company had no understanding or sensitivity to the importance of Perrier to the region it supported (Palmer, Dunford & Akin 2009). Despite the fact that productivity remained low and competition for Perrier’s niche became fierce after Danone launched Badoit Rouge, workers and management maintained a confrontational relationship that undermined change attempts (Palmer, Dunford & Akin 2009). â€Å"Perrier’s management put bottles of Badoit Rouge in the cafeteria. This had been done to emphasize the poi nt to Perrier employees that they were involved in a head-to-head battle for that niche in the market† (Palmer, Dunford & Akin 2009). The Perrier employees â€Å"took the bottles and dumped them in front of the factory director’s door, so he couldn’t get into his office† (Palmer, Dunford & Akin 2009). 4. Construct a change management strategy for dealing with this situation. In doing so, identify three approaches to managing resistance you recommend and provide clear justification for your choice. A change management strategy involves a resistance profile that centers on the â€Å"likely resistors† (Palmer, Dunford & Akin 2009). In the Perrier case, the CGT union

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Analysis of Electronic Payment Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Electronic Payment Systems - Essay Example Electronic payment systems (EPS) can be classified into four main categories namely Online Electronic Cash System, Online Credit Card Payment System, Smart Cards based Electronic Payment System and Electronic Cheque System. These categories can be compared using various features. In terms of actual payment time, electronic cash and smart cards are prepaid whereas online credit card payment and electronic cheque are post paid/paid later. In Online Credit Card Payment and Electonic cash, all transactions are online but offline transactions are allowed in electronic cheque and smart cards. In Online Credit Card Payment, payments are made by the credit account, in electronic cheque, it is done by the bank acount and in smart cards, it is done by the smart card account. In electronic cash, there is no involvement of a bank account (Laudon and Laudon, 2008). As for their users, online credit card is open for all legitimate users of credit card, electronic cash is open for everybody while electronic cheque and smart cards are open for anyone with a bank account. In addition, smart card is also open for anyone with a credit card account. Online credit card can partially be used in real world, electronic cash can only be used in virtual world, smart cards can be used in used in real and virtual world and electronic cheque is limited to real world although its checking count can be shared with real world. Online credit card and smart cards are mobile whereas electronic cash and electronic cheque are not mobile. Transactions costs for online credit card are high thus it is not suitable for small payments. As for electronic cash and smart cards, their transaction costs are but low hence they are suitable for low transactions. Online credit card, electronic cash and smart cards have high levels of user anonymity but it is not found in electronic cheque (Laudon and Laudon, 2008). I mostly use electronic cash because it is open for anyone and there is no